Are you among the people that likes holding back urine back whenever the are pressed? Some people due to their busy schedules or because they are engrossed with what they are doing, will keep pee for long before emptying their bladder. This is not good for your health and you need to stop it now.
Whether due to a busy day or you yo are too engrossed with movie that you are watching and wouldn't like to let any action pass you by, or that you are in a business meeting, it is always normal to resist the urge to use the bathroom for some times.
A human adult bladder con hold 16 ounces (2 cups)/half a liter of liquid or less for small children. But the bladder can stretch to accommodate more in the occasion where the bladder is not emptied within time, but doing so for a long time can pose a health problem the body.
So, it is not advisable to hold back urine for a long time. It is recommended by Doctors that you pee once in every three hours, but we all know that it won't be easy keeping that into practice at all times especially in the middle of the night, and/or where and what we may found ourselves doing at a time.
When the bladder is half filled with liquid, it sends message to the brain notifying it that it is time to urinate, within this period the brain send message back to the bladder telling him to wait, within which you make arrangement to pee.
Occasionally in some very healthy adults holding urine may not pose any serious health hazards while it can be so discomforting for some people. But in which ever way your body system reacts to the sensation of urination, it is not good to hold urine for too long.
In this article, we will be discussing the health effects of holding urine for are long time before emptying your bladder.
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Health Effects of Holding Back Urine
The under listed health problems are associated with holding back urine for a long time before peeing, so take note.
1. It can lead to Incontinence:
This is a condition where the urethral sphincter which helps to close the ureter is weak and can not close properly leading to leaking out of urine from the bladder. This can be as a result of damage or weaken of the pelvic floor muscle.
This can be very embarrassing and irritating because incontinence can make a little bit of urine to leak out when you cough or sneeze. Imagine the embarrassment that could cause.
2. Urinary Tracts Infections (UTIs):
Retaining urine in the bladder can lead to the multiplication of bacteria in the bladder. This may lead to urinary tract infections. There is is no proven research to that but doctors warns that its not advisable to keep urine for a long time.
As it is very important to drink water regularly so it is to urinate whenever you feel the sensation. This will prevent bacteria from multiplying in the bladder and spreading from the tract to the body.
3. Kidney Stone:
Kidney stones forms when we allow waste products in are our body to solidify/calcify and form crystals. These are very strong materials that may require surgery before they can be removed. Withholding urine and drinking little water has been implicated as being the common cause.
4. Pain
Because the muscle has to work overtime and clench to keep the always increasing volume of urine. This makes you feel pain while urinating having stored the urine for a too long.
5. Bladder Stretching
Holding back urine for too long can cause the bladder to overstretch. After urinating the overstretched bladder returns to its normal position/shape. But continuously not urinating when you have to makes the bladder weak and overstretched and won't be able to bounce back to it shape.
This will make the bladder not to relax and allow you urinate even when you want to. In a sever case, the person may need a catheter to pass urine.
6. Burst Bladder:
Although this is very rear but it does happen when you try holding back urine for extremely too long. When this happens the urine fill the abdomen and will require surgery for its removal.
Imagine all you can avert simply by not holding back urine for to long. Leave that thing you are doing, just excuse yourself and answer the call of nature to prevent all this avoidable health effects of holding urine in your body before peeing.
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