Nigerian Air Force (NAF) Algha Jet Goes Missing

 Barely a month after the Nigerian Air Force aircraft crashed in Abuja killing all seven passengers,  a Nigerian Air Force jet goes missing in the northeastern part of the country.

The fighter jet supporting ground operation fighting Boko haram in Borno State, North-Eastern part of Nigeria that has been ravaged by insurgency has been declared missing by the Authorities concerned. 

This incident in happing after a Beechcraft KingAir B35Oi belonging to the same Nigerian Air Force crashed after reporting engine failure on his way to Mina, the Niger State capital for surveillance of the area

The Nigerian Air Force spokesperson, Edward Gabkwet said in a statement that, "the alpha jet lost contact with the radar around  5.08 p.m. (1608GMT), on Wednesday 31 March 2021"

Air Commodore Gabkwet, states that, "the plane disappeared while on interdiction mission in support of ground troops as part of the ongoing counter insurgency operations in the North East of the country.

He further said that "Details of the way about of the aircraft or the likely cause of loss of contact with the radar are still unclear/sketchy but will be relayed to the general public as soon as they become clear". 

Details of this will be made available to you as things unfold, stay connected.


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