Control Who Can Post On Your Facebook Profile With Ease: See The Steps

 Hey, have you ever noticed some unwanted, annoying and embarrassing post on your Facebook profile. Have you ever wondered how you can control such unwanted activities on your timeline. You don't have to worry any more as we are here to guide you on how to  control who can post on your Facebook profile with ease.
Since the advent of Facebook, the world has been made a global village. 
Facebook has made it very simple and easy for people to do so many things from the comfort of their rooms, offices or even while on transit without a hiss. 

People from different part of the world communicate with one another through Posts, Chats, videos, Emojis, Avatars and even video call one another within a twinkle of an eye. Because of this, People now take advantage of the ease of access to Facebook to do whatever the wish on peoples profile without their consent.

It is mostly embarrassing when you go to your profile only to see some useless posts from people you don't even know. Some of this posts could be so irritating to the extent that you won't waste anytime to delete them from your timeline. 

This is why we deem it necessary to guide you on how you can put a stop to some of the unwanted posts on your Facebook Profile. You have every control over what stays in your Facebook timeline. 

Who Can Post on Your Profile?

Some Facebook default settings has made it possible for anybody especially your Facebook friends to post anything and at anytime of their choice on your profile without your permission. 

This now leaves  you with the stress and embarrassment of deleting them whenever you notice or sees the one that you don't like. Some Posts can also appear on your profile whenever someone Tags you in their own Posts.

How To Control Who Can Post On Your Facebook Profile. 

To control who posts on your profile is one of the settings that you have to adjust in your Facebook in other to keep away some unwanted post and other activities on your profile.

To do this comfortably, just relax and follow the steps as outlined below, and unwanted posts on your profile will be a thing of the past.

The steps are as follows;
  • login to your Facebook account.
  • Click on the menu (the three horizontal lines at the top right hand corner of your phone for Android, or the inverted triangle at the bottom right hand corner of your iPhone)
  • When it opens, Click on Settings and Privacy.
  • Click open Settings and on the cascading menu,
  • Go to Profile and Tagging under Privacy and click it open.

  • When it opens, click on Who Can Post On Your Profile; and there you go.

  • choose either Friends or Only me.

Control Who Can Post On Your Facebook Profile With Ease is one of the settings on Facebook that enables you take absolute control of what happens in your Facebook profile. 

It's our pleasure to have helped you control some of the challenges you have been facing while enjoying your Facebook. Do hit the share button on your social media so that your friends we enjoy with you, thanks.

You can make use of the comment box for enquire, comment or suggestions or if you encounter any difficulty while trying to set your Facebook profile. 
We will be there to assist you as quickly as possible.


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